Welcome to JSConfBP 2024!
Join us for a celebration of innovation, inspiration, and inclusive community.




Anjana Vakil


Engineering & teaching & learning ✨ Independent Developer Educator & Software Engineer ✨ she/her

Tejas Kumar


I write code and love life.


Venue Change

April 26, 2024

We're moving to the gorgeous Uránia National Film Theater! It was the venue for the very first JSConf Budapest, and this year we're going back.

Be a speaker at our Community Lounge

April 17, 2024

Submit your Lightning Talk proposal by May 15, 2024!

Looking for Sponsors!

March 27, 2024

We're seeking sponsoring partners to ensure JSConf Budapest 2024 is amazing!

Let's team up and create an unforgettable experience together!


Uránia theater is a historic cinema located in Budapest, Hungary, known for its beautiful architecture and unique atmosphere. The venue has a rich cultural heritage and is a popular destination for film screenings, concerts, and conferences. Uránia Filmszínház offers an intimate and cozy setting, which can create a focused and engaging atmosphere for conference attendees. The historic charm of the venue also adds a unique and memorable element to the conference experience.

It's worth noting that Uránia mozi holds a special place in our hearts, as it was the venue for the very first JSConf Budapest. We have cherished memories of that time. Let us share the amazing vibe of this place that we love so much!


Logo for RisingStackLogo for SuperChargeLogo for CrabNebula
Logo for JetBrainsLogo for CodecoolLogo for ApiumhubLogo for DevITjobs UK

Community partners

Logo for the Budapest JS meetupLogo for the frontend meetup budapestLogo for the Future FrontendLogo for the Revo.jsLogo for the React Paris